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NSDAC National Headquarters

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NSDAC National Headquarters

2205 Massachusetts Ave, NW

Washington, DC  20008-2813

Telephone:  (202) 667-3076



     The National Society Daughters of the American Colonists is led by the National President and an Executive Committee consisting of all of the National Officers, all Honorary National Presidents, and three Honorary National Vice Presidents selected by the National President.  In addition to rulings by the Executive Board, policy for the Society is made by the National Board, a body composed of the National Officers, the Honorary National Officers, and the State Regents.  The Chairman of National Committees are National Board members without a vote.


     The National Board meets prior to and after General Assembly, and in October.  Ballot votes are cast in January and June for specific purposes authorized in the National Bylaws.  Elections are held every third year.


   NSDAC has an excellent genealogical library with many hundreds of books and manuscripts at National Headquarters. This handsome building is furnished with authentic period pieces and has the air of a gracious private home.  This building is ably maintained by the National Headquarters Committee and is opened to members during the General Assembly.


     The Society was incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia on April 25, 1921; and a Federal Charter was granted to the National Society by the Ninety eighth United States Congress as Public Law 98-561 on October 30, 1984. 

All of the content of this website is proprietary, and cannot be copied or used without the express written consent of the Oregon State Society Daughters of the American Colonists.  The name "National Society Daughters of the American Colonists" (NSDAC), and its offical insignia are registered trademarks of the National Society, and may not be used outside the National Society without the express, written consent of the National Society.

For website questions, please contact the webmaster at          Website last updated:  30 August 2024

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